2020 winner

Situ Sati

a work by Maëva Sanz & Eli Bouisson
from Haute école des arts du Rhin (FR)

Time is the heart of the author reflection. The duo wanted to capture the present moment and slow down this notion of time in constantly moving world. “Situ Sati is a counterpoint in a fast-paced world.

The artists used the pinhole method to realize Situ Sati. The pinhole camera is a box with an opening on one side to let the light in.
On the opposite side is a light-sensitive medium that will capture the reverse image. The pinhole camera works like our eye: the captured image is inverted from the external reality.
This technique is much more time consuming and complex than digital. Depending on the size of the camera and the aperture, the time it takes to print the photosensitive surface can be seconds or even hours.

From putting the paper in the box to the final development, each photo takes three hours to be made. So there is no room for error. We work by trial and error with vague calculations that do not always turn out to be correct. We often have to improvise on the spot and wait until we get back to the flat, which has been transformed into a darkroom, to discover the image and adapt the exposure time, etc.

Moreover, Maéva and Elie wanted to bring sensitivity to this architectural image with a human dimension. This is why they put themselves on stage without being recognizable. These anonymous figures allow everyone to identify with them and give the image a sense of mystery.


More about Les Talents Sati 2020

President of the jury 2020
Kevin Mulhen
Head du Casino Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
Shortlisted projects for Talents Sati 2020

a project presented by Cornelia Gassler & Fabienne Immoos
Ecole supérieure d'art et de design de Reims (FR)


a project presented by Magalie Brueder
Haute école des arts du Rhin (FR)


a project presented by Anouk Koch
Ecole supérieure d'art et de design de Reims (FR)

press release

October 10, 2020
Talents Sati 2020 : quand Maéva Sanz et Elie Bouisson capturent l’instant « Situ Sati »
October 9, 2020
E-nauguration des Talents Sati 2020
October 12, 2020
Ami Hebdo
7e édition des Talents Sati au Port du Rhin
October 10, 2020
Retour à la camera obscura

All Talents SATI since 2013

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