2021 winner


a work by Victoria Kieffer
from Haute école des arts du Rhin (FR)

Victoria Kieffer has developed her project around the idea that Arcadia is an idyllic, pastoral and harmonious land, which embodies the representation of the mythical golden age fantasized by the nostalgia of a country that one has never known.
Every day, tens of thousands vehicles cross 2 bridges : first is “Pont de l’Europe”, from France and Germany, and then the “Pont Vauban”, from which one can see the roastery of SATI Cafés.
The scale of the work gives the illusion of an architectural object.
“This border is at the same time an industrial place, a touristic place, a cultural and a commercial exchange place. When the bridge is crossed, we enter the city through the tunnels of the portal”


More about Les Talents Sati 2021

President of the jury 2021
Jean-Paul Roland
General Manager Eurockéennes de Belfort Festival (France)
Shortlisted projects for Talents Sati 2021

a project presented by Roza Sayfullaeva & Ana-Maria Pojoga
Haute école des arts du Rhin (FR)


a project presented by Kristín Karólína Helgadóttir
Institut supérieur des Beaux-Arts – Gent (BE)


a project presented by Fabian Zaehner
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW, Basel (CH)

press release

September 28, 2021
Entre Alsace et Pologne, Cafés Sati se pare de couleurs
October 4, 2021
Le journal des entreprises
Les Cafés Sati soutiennent la création artistique
October 24, 2021
Le Républicain Lorrain
Un premier prix pour l’artiste Victoria Kieffer
November 6, 2021
Badische Zeitung
In der "Weihnachtshauptstadt" Straßburg gibt es nur noch stichprobenartige Kontrollen

All Talents SATI since 2013

Where do I come from?
a work by Suzon Léger
L’Heure Bleue 
a work by Elisa Sanchez
A window in Time
a work by Johannes Musiol & Ozan Güngor
Situ Sati
a work by Maëva Sanz & Eli Bouisson
Fenêtre sur canal
a work by Justine Siret
Curiosités industrielles
a work by Joanna Hateley & Thomas Roger
a work by Pierre Boyer & Youri Asantcheeff
Blazing Darkness
a work by Nina Kronenberger, Maria Sieradzki, Merle Sommer