2016 winner

Blazing Darkness

a work by Nina Kronenberger, Maria Sieradzki, Merle Sommer
from Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saarbrrücken (DE)

The Sati building carries a coffee plant which opens towards the sky. Water streams underneath and the flower is surrounded by sun light. There is enough space and freedom for its unlimited development. Although nature has been the model for its shape, the exact symmetry serves as a calm anchor and the neat implementation shows how nature and industry can work together and benefit each other.

The sun nurtures the phosphoric color field with energy during the day. Once the sun sets, the flower opens into a new linear form and displays how the sun’s energy is processed. At nightfall the luminescence fades and the flower descends into the resting city. 

The two levels provide the viewer with the opportunity to see behind the surface of the facade and refer to the liveliness of the city and its buildings—even if it’s not visible at the first glance.


More about Les Talents Sati 2016

President of the jury 2016
Yann Grienenberger
Head of Centre international d’art verrier de Meisenthal (France)
Shortlisted projects for Talents Sati 2016

a project presented by Harmonie Begon
Haute école des arts du Rhin (FR)


a project presented by Thibault Schell, Sandra Willauer
Ecole supérieure d'art et de design de Reims (FR)

press release

September 14, 2016
La nouvelle fresque de l'usine Café Sati
June 17, 2016
20 minutes
"Blazing Darkness", l'œuvre allemande à voir sur la façade de l'usine des Cafés Sati
June 21, 2016
Talents Sati, à Strasbourg, l’art est fort de café !
June 18, 2016
Une fleur de café et trois lauréates
June 17, 2016
Agence AMI
Nicolas Schulé, président des cafés Sati - Les Talents Sati

All Talents SATI since 2013

Where do I come from?
a work by Suzon Léger
L’Heure Bleue 
a work by Elisa Sanchez
A window in Time
a work by Johannes Musiol & Ozan Güngor
a work by Victoria Kieffer
Situ Sati
a work by Maëva Sanz & Eli Bouisson
Fenêtre sur canal
a work by Justine Siret
Curiosités industrielles
a work by Joanna Hateley & Thomas Roger
a work by Pierre Boyer & Youri Asantcheeff